Board Management Tips

How a Chief Operating Officer Can Bring Value to the Company’s Management Team?

Everyone wants a raise or a raise, but there is rarely an employee who asks, “How can I help the company?”. They don’t know that if they do good for their company, the first thing they’ll get is a raise. Check how the chief operating officer can bring value to the company’s management team in the article below.

What Should You Know About the Chief Operating Officer?

“What value will you bring to our company?” – This question is rightfully considered by applicants to be one of the most unpleasant. It’s like hearing your address: why do we need you? However, a smart candidate, answering this extremely tricky question, can demonstrate his best qualities – and conquer the employer! The company grows as fast as it can hire the “right” people. The issues of employee effectiveness are described in thousands of books on management.

Every employer wants to make sure that the candidate is not blown into the company by a random wind, and that he wants to work here. That he really knows everything or almost everything about the company, and he is guided by what place it occupies in its niche and what exactly it does. A simple truth but rarely put into practice in most companies. It’s more about taking responsibility for fulfilling the commitments made. The meaning of the chief operating officer includes the next description:

  • A typical manager usually reports directly to the chief executive officer (CEO) and is considered second in the chain of command.
  • Pointless work does not add enthusiasm to anyone, while meaningful work, on the contrary, increases motivation and dedication.
  • Depending on the preferences of the CEO, the COO often deals with the internal affairs of the company, while the CEO acts as the public face of the company and, therefore, all external communications.

Practice shows that one person cannot perform strategic tasks and current tasks at the same time – sooner or later, he will start to sink into a routine, losing control over personnel and business processes. That is why in successful companies, the functions of strategic and operational management are clearly divided between the CEO and COO. For most, this information is not useful in practical terms, but thanks to the information received, now each employee understands the direction of the company and its role in its development.

The Value to the Company’s Management Team with the Chief Operating Officer

In the business hierarchy, the term operating officer is used to denote this level of management. Such managers are above managers. In banks, executive managers are called officers, unlike staff – ordinary employees. The chief operating officer plans the company’s business according to the established business model, while the CEO is more concerned with the company’s long-term goals and broader vision. In other words, the chief operating officer makes plans, while the CEO executes them.

There is a list of the main tasks of the chief operating officer in a modern, developing enterprise. The first should be called processes. The chief operating officer must draw up production plans and monitor the progress of their implementation by employees. Also, his responsibilities include control over the receipt of all necessary resources for production; here they mean not only raw materials and materials but also equipment and the selection of necessary employees. He is responsible for the maintenance of all production units.


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